Post by rabbitteeth on Feb 15, 2017 14:13:58 GMT -5
He was telling himself (clearly because everyone else would have got it by now) You better C right thru that Mother's I. Something tells me you're a genius too, unfortunately nobody (thankfully) knows you secretly believe Paul McCartney gave birth to Barack Obama.. Donald is that You?! Hi beatlas231, I only would be willing to be Donald Duck. Do you have any ideas about why the reference to the mother's EYE?
Post by rabbitteeth on Feb 15, 2017 14:22:27 GMT -5
So the best cue for a possible connection between Pearl and Paul McCartney is of course this: Well, I'm sure there's some kind of connection, first thing I thought of was the similarities in the names, "Pearl Witherington" & "Percy Thrillington" lol. I know. Keep my day job. Yes, the two names are indeed pretty similar Per - cy Thrill - ington Pearl Wi-ther - ington Only a few letters are different. On Percy's album, it's Percy "Thrills" Thrillington, so the "thrill (s)" seem to be a nickname. According to the pictures, we see Percy was a very short person who played the violin and who directed musicians, just like Sergent Pepper who "taught the band to play". So it could be Sergent Perper (for Percy, coming from PearlPearl). I doubt Percy really directed the other musicians disguised. It was just to hide her/his head for the picture probably. With the head of a dog. And it looks like a dog we know, doesn't it? Seems like Percy had something similar to wings also.
Post by rabbitteeth on Feb 22, 2017 16:06:37 GMT -5
Wow, I hit the bbc link, it took a moment for the photo/image on the page to load, underneath the image caption reads : "Pearl Corniorley receiving her WINGS" Pearl was obviously very upset at not having gotten those wings during the war. Near the end of her life, she still talked about that to a journalist who wrote this article: 'She was most vexed, though, by the British authorities’ refusal to grant her parachute wings. 'Whether it was due to prejudice or a desire to keep women’s roles in SOE activities secret, female agents did only three practice jumps before their operational drop — giving them one jump fewer than the five required to qualify for wings. 'The Royal Air Force eventually remedied the oversight, granting Mme Cornioley her wings in 2006. ' secretfire.wordpress.com/pearl-cornioley/Being a strong-willed woman, she must also have been upset at all the other things women couldn't do. A woman could hardly have directed a band in the 1940s. So she may have done it, pretending to be a man, like Percy. This is just a possibility. Here is a picture from the article that doesn't appear in Google: And another one it links to:
Post by rabbitteeth on Mar 27, 2017 14:23:57 GMT -5
There is ONE other possibility---- Bill is Pauline's secret love child! Scream! Now there's one for the National Enquirer! What if she gave him up for her courier career, and now they've been reunited thru some sort of crazy reality Brit-hit TV show like, "So, Who's Yer Real Mama?", created and produced by Simon Cowell? .....just an idea...... You are closer. Not Bill's but that's the real Paul mother. Pearl with the cover name of "Mary" was in Liverpool on June 1941 as history told. So, WAS Paul replaced by his mother? Crazy, really crazy, but try to let it be as possible. This does seem crazy, but it's not impossible. She was already dating her future husband in 1940. It is not clear if he followed her to Britain or not (it looks like he didn't) and when he went to war: 'Pearl Witherington was born and raised in France, but was a British subject. She was employed at the British embassy in Paris and engaged to Henri Cornioley (1910–1999) when the Germans invaded in May 1940. She escaped from occupied France with her mother and three sisters in December 1940. She eventually arrived in London, where she found work with the Air Ministry. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearl_Witherington'Within hours, she was reunited with her French fiancé, Henri Cornioley, who had escaped from a German prison camp and joined the resistance. The two then worked closely.' mobile.nytimes.com/2008/03/11/world/europe/11cornioley.html
Post by rabbitteeth on Mar 27, 2017 14:40:25 GMT -5
When a man has to leave for war and may never come back, it's likely that many unmarried couples would make love before he left, as in this French musical movie: 'Guy is drafted and must leave to serve as a soldier in the Algerian War. The night before Guy leaves, he and Geneviève pledge their undying love and make love (apparently for the first time). The next day, he departs. After a couple of months Geneviève learns she is pregnant.' en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Umbrellas_of_CherbourgPearl's fiance may have come to see her in London or she may have lost touch with him and start dating somebody else, as in the movie also. So it's possible she may have gotten pregnant and have a son. And it could be Paul because they both have this thin nose, beaky from the side. But he doesn't have chipmunk cheeks like her and she doesn't have peculiar eyebrows like his. It's not in her biographies online that she had a secret son, so this is only a possibility, not a sure fact.
Post by ekauqodielak on Aug 4, 2019 20:55:18 GMT -5
Although I have time for the 'music-biz controlled by nefarious agents' argument as put forward by several authors, I am mindful of how these narratives appear to get published when there is an opinion-massage going on. I notice that what we now call the 'alt-right' (it may have changed its name by now as it's a movement thing) essentially takes up what were formerly 'whacko' ideas and plays them across many social media where they earn grass-roots support. Indeed, I have long noticed that even PID was somewhat infiltrated/corrupted by the presence of 'activists' who didn't seem /don't seem to know shit about their basic Beatles before they get onto their supposed 'secrets' which additionally happen, miraculously, to reflect a certain world-view where Beatles dating black women is assumed to be a bad thing. Yeah, didn't miss that. Saying that there's been grass-roots infiltration of topics groups and interest-groups used to be a very far-fetched idea to claim could be the case. Now that's very much changed. The success of The Don has built on such grassroots politicisation of interest-groups with the general theme 'Everything You Know Is Wrong', once a hippy lefty idea now repurposed as 'alt-right' fodder. Of course, the argument in it has merit. Anybody who thinks they get INFORMATION ONLY from the media is probably already locked and loaded to kill Satanic Faul at the earliest opportunity. For those who skipped the kool aid, the idea that authors could be targeted (based on pre-existing themes and interests) for 'information-bursts' they then write up is far from far-fetched. Being somebody who considered briefly back in the 80's that Frank Zappa might have been outing the origins of AIDS (on his triple album 'Thing Fish') based upon insider knowledge gained from his dad, I was quite surprised that an author I'd actually had dealings with, the late Dave McGowan of Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon : Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & The Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream,
chose to take in his promo interviews, a stance of actually believing his material (he was very doubtful about the premise while writing it, I can tell ya). I guess he could have done so to fit in with the 'vibe' of sites like White Ice Radio (erm...I meant Red Ice Radio...or did I?) where Hitler was a good guy just trying to 'Make Germany Great Again' but then I wondered if there's a team of bought-and-sold writers and bloggers. That they hang around the Jan Irvin circuit of 'donate donate for this important alt right research' is worrying as who can have the slightest doubt that these guys would take CIA cash? They'll take cash from a baby ffs. Bravo!
Post by kvo on Jan 1, 2022 9:32:27 GMT -5
I spent years devouring every bit of info regarding PID, and came to the easy conclusion that Paul is not dead/was not dead by the time the 1970's rolled around, and was at best (worst?) employed an equally talented double to take his place as THE Paul McCartney. There's a blog I stumbled upon recently called They May Be Parted that, since January 2012, has been taking an in-depth look at the entirety of the Get Back sessions, from the early takes of Let It Be songs, to the bits of dialogue and sometimes entire conversations that were picked up by the mics between takes. Linus, ticket2ride, Nothingsireal985, I'd like you take a look at this post in particular: theymaybeparted.wordpress.com/2013/08/14/jan-7-on-their-own-at-the-holiday-camp/I've uploaded the audio of the conversation here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfbP7tQuTqs and I strongly suggest you three take a listen to it. What does it prove? Nothing, really. But as a former believer in PID, I find it very interesting that PID's answer to PIA has always "the devil is in the details". The small details, you know? Paul's ear lobe looks funny in this picture. Paul seems taller here, different eye color, etc. While PIA has always (rightfully, in my opinion) chalked these up to photographic anomalies, there have always been the staunchest of believers in PID who, like you, linus, don't think PIA even has any worthwhile arguments, so sure are you that Paul is not Paul. Its funny then, for me to listen to this candid conversation go on between George, Paul, and John about Brian Epstein when "Paul" is supposed to be a replacement who knows nothing of the days when Mr. Epstein managed their lives. Lets say, for the sake argument, that this dialogue is scripted. Would John have really joined Fake Paul in talking about what it means to be a Beatle and what the aspirations of the band truly are? More importantly, why would someone filling in for Paul even suggest that they'd all rather "go home"? Surely he wouldn't want to admit that his bread and butter might soon be taken away from him? Furthermore, why is that no one at any point in the long, drawn-out, uncomfortable sessions that audio engineers caught nearly every second of, why is it that no one ever slips up and calls Paul by his real name? They only call him Paul, and as tense as things get between George and he, George always takes the tone of someone who has known Paul for a very long time, not only a couple of years. So, that's something to think about, isn't it? But on the other hand there are perhaps dozens of Paul McCartney songs with strange cryptic lyrics that seem to suggest he is hiding something from the public, and THAT is what keeps my mind open to be the possibility that Sir Paul perhaps isn't who the world thinks he is. But I am not so sure there's as much evidence that Paul really died as there are "clues" that he was replaced (an act which is, in itself, probably not nearly so nefarious as people imagine). Looks to me as though Paul was replaced more than once. Check out some very early photos of Paul on sites like Meet the Beatles for Real and the Savage Young Beatles. Some of these photos show an older Paul who is not our main Beatlemania Paul, nor is he Billy, nor are his photos any shopped combination of the two. I can't attach photos, or I would post them myself. Seems to me that this early older Paul's existence negates the typical PID narrative. Perhaps there were many talented "Beatles" who all worked together to create the GOAT band. An entire Sargent Peppers Lonely Heart's Club MARCHING BAND of Beatles. It's possible and would explain why we see so many faces that all seem to be so different, but all purport to be John, Paul, George, and Ringo. All along, we see Pauls with short square chins, Pauls with longer rounded chins, Pauls with short noses, Pauls with longer noses, Pauls with heart shaped faces, Pauls with elongated faces, Pauls with flat philtrums, Pauls with curved philtrums.....Also, there had to be agent involvement in the Beatles, given the weird lyrics to Maxwell's Silver Hammer. That also would explain the evidence of masking we see and the varying faces of the Beatles. This is a very deep mystery which is why we are still discussing it decades after the Beatles' official demise.
Post by paulmoran on Mar 3, 2022 19:56:20 GMT -5
He was telling himself (clearly because everyone else would have got it by now) You better C right thru that Mother's I. Something tells me you're a genius too, unfortunately nobody (thankfully) knows you secretly believe Paul McCartney gave birth to Barack Obama.. Donald is that You?! Hi beatlas231, I only would be willing to be Donald Duck. Do you have any ideas about why the reference to the mother's EYE? Fennon singing about Faul being CIA? Like Spies Like Us played backwards reveals?
Post by kvo on May 11, 2022 16:49:35 GMT -5
Obviously the OP`s view is absurd by most standards. But much as I disagree with her/him, and think the cloning argument is also whacky, as well as disagree with the simplistic Illuminati views etc, you can get some information that comes out of threads like this ifyou separate the dross from the stuff of real value. What I see more and more is how so many prominent people are connected, not only by being privileged but through ancestry such as people of the aristocratic Stanley line even though there are descendants who have not had privilege for hundreds of years. It is as if they know their own. And with what we know now about the Beatles` very small world with stronger than portrayed connections with Manson`s group, what we now know about the Sergeant Pepper cover not being their original choice, and what I know through my research on the music industry and the active recruiting of entertainers to serve purposes that they do not necessarily understand at first (I am writing a book on a famous hiphop artists and how he believes he is somehow very important in the occult scene but is in fact ignorant of the agendas is one of my book`s foci), the Paul Is Dead theory becomes far more interesting and obtains a new credibility. Although I have time for the 'music-biz controlled by nefarious agents' argument as put forward by several authors, I am mindful of how these narratives appear to get published when there is an opinion-massage going on. I notice that what we now call the 'alt-right' (it may have changed its name by now as it's a movement thing) essentially takes up what were formerly 'whacko' ideas and plays them across many social media where they earn grass-roots support. Indeed, I have long noticed that even PID was somewhat infiltrated/corrupted by the presence of 'activists' who didn't seem /don't seem to know shit about their basic Beatles before they get onto their supposed 'secrets' which additionally happen, miraculously, to reflect a certain world-view where Beatles dating black women is assumed to be a bad thing. Yeah, didn't miss that. Saying that there's been grass-roots infiltration of topics groups and interest-groups used to be a very far-fetched idea to claim could be the case. Now that's very much changed. The success of The Don has built on such grassroots politicisation of interest-groups with the general theme 'Everything You Know Is Wrong', once a hippy lefty idea now repurposed as 'alt-right' fodder. Of course, the argument in it has merit. Anybody who thinks they get INFORMATION ONLY from the media is probably already locked and loaded to kill Satanic Faul at the earliest opportunity. For those who skipped the kool aid, the idea that authors could be targeted (based on pre-existing themes and interests) for 'information-bursts' they then write up is far from far-fetched. Being somebody who considered briefly back in the 80's that Frank Zappa might have been outing the origins of AIDS (on his triple album 'Thing Fish') based upon insider knowledge gained from his dad, I was quite surprised that an author I'd actually had dealings with, the late Dave McGowan of Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon : Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & The Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream,
chose to take in his promo interviews, a stance of actually believing his material (he was very doubtful about the premise while writing it, I can tell ya). I guess he could have done so to fit in with the 'vibe' of sites like White Ice Radio (erm...I meant Red Ice Radio...or did I?) where Hitler was a good guy just trying to 'Make Germany Great Again' but then I wondered if there's a team of bought-and-sold writers and bloggers. That they hang around the Jan Irvin circuit of 'donate donate for this important alt right research' is worrying as who can have the slightest doubt that these guys would take CIA cash? They'll take cash from a baby ffs. And this reviewer doesn't think McGowan did a very good job proving his thesis that Laurel Canyon was formed by military brats doing the CIA's bidding. I'm on the fence on whether I should actually read the McGowan book. The Beatles and Tavistock are mentioned in this review. thetruereporter.com/were-we-all-brainwashed-by-the-cia-with-sex-drugs-and-rock-roll/
Post by B on May 11, 2022 19:32:42 GMT -5
Post by kvo on May 12, 2022 6:21:10 GMT -5
I'll have a look at these videos and your suggested reading. But did you note the diagram in the reviewer's article I linked? It reads like a corporate org chart with the Committe of 300 at the top of the chart, funneling down to the three major television networks in the U.S. The Beatles appeared on Ed Sullivan, CBS, with its logo of the all seeing eye. I am reminded of Morrison's words I have quoted with my avatar. "Whoever controls the media, controls the mind". The Doors, the Stones, and innumerable acts also appeared on Ed Sullivan. Sullivan himself was a free mason, I believe. The YKMN videos pointed this out, I think. No wonder Morrison was among the Laurel Canyon artists, but never seem to fit in with them. They sent beckoning messages like "I'd be safe and warm, if I was in L.A." While Morrison says, nope, not necessarily. He says, "There's danger on the edge of town". And "ride the snake". What is the snake? A perilous road. He sends mixed messages about L.A. Come here because "The west is the best". But, BEWARE. And no wonder many described our method actor Val Kilmer as being psychologically damaged after traveling Jim's perilous road.
Post by B on May 12, 2022 9:06:43 GMT -5
♫ "Israel in 4 BC had no mass communication" ♫
Post by kvo on May 12, 2022 10:43:09 GMT -5
So the videos you put up were the MemoryField channel. I like this guy. I've viewed his stuff before and placed a YouTube comment on one of the videos yesterday. I linked it below. Mine is still the first comment. I guess the channel owner liked it, cause he put one of those hearts on it. Not a particularly controversial comment. Doors fans don't tend to be as combative on YouTube as Beatle fans. www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZfYMGOXxa8&lc=UgzohVs3vrj_pIsaUjR4AaABAg.9atby_mVsG59auIhMrFrv8
Post by B on May 12, 2022 11:53:56 GMT -5
I'm not a fan of Timothy Leary at all, but this video might offer some insights into the mindset of what was going on at the time, and so -- for research purposes - I post it. Woodstock Reunion Concert Vol.1 Peacewww.youtube.com/watch?v=8x-ePwceLx0Cal Vid May 12, 2022 "1 The Chambers Brothers – Time Has Come Today 2 Iron Butterfly – In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida (7:08) (Who tf is singing lead here? Not Doug Ingle!)3 The Spencer Davis Group – I'm A Man (15:14) 4 Melanie – Brand New Key (23:20) 5 Canned Heat – On The Road Again (26:10) 6 Canned Heat – Going Up The Country (33:27) 7 Leon Russell & Edgar Winter – Delta Lady (38:33) 8 Blood, Sweat and Tears – Spinning Wheel (42:16) 20 Years After: A Woodstock Reunion Concert DVD Volume 1 of 3: Peace featured the above live songs. Nearly 20 years after the original 1969 Woodstock Festival, the biggest names in rock were brought back to recapture the mood and sound of that historic event. The sights and sounds are led by psychedelic tour guide Dr. Timothy Leary. The “20 Years After” music festival tribute took place in August 1989 at Cal State Dominguez Hills, Carson, Los Angeles County, CA. "
Post by B on May 12, 2022 21:41:46 GMT -5
still - psy-op or not, some great music came from it. One of my faves: The Byrds - Draft Morning (Lyrics) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Byrds - Wasn't Born To Follow (Audio) *www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zzv8hd68B4 ------ * I can't believe i never picked up on the sexual reference 'til now!
Post by kvo on May 13, 2022 6:38:28 GMT -5
still - psy-op or not, some great music came from it. One of my faves: The Byrds - Draft Morning (Lyrics) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Byrds - Wasn't Born To Follow (Audio) *www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zzv8hd68B4 ------ * I can't believe i never picked up on the sexual reference 'til now! Oh, I concur. Great music that I still enjoy listening to every day. And the Byrds were great! I do have the book "Laurel Canyon, the Inside Story of Rock and Roll's Legendary Neighborhood" that discusses the Byrds and all of the other great groups that formed during those days. Then, all my friends wanted to read it. It got passed around to several different people and when I finally got it back it was utterly dog eared. Everyone really enjoyed it. So I think I'll just skip the McGowan book.
Post by kvo on May 14, 2022 8:45:39 GMT -5
I'm not a fan of Timothy Leary at all, but this video might offer some insights into the mindset of what was going on at the time, and so -- for research purposes - I post it. Woodstock Reunion Concert Vol.1 Peacewww.youtube.com/watch?v=8x-ePwceLx0Cal Vid May 12, 2022 "1 The Chambers Brothers – Time Has Come Today 2 Iron Butterfly – In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida (7:08) (Who tf is singing lead here? Not Doug Ingle!)3 The Spencer Davis Group – I'm A Man (15:14) 4 Melanie – Brand New Key (23:20) 5 Canned Heat – On The Road Again (26:10) 6 Canned Heat – Going Up The Country (33:27) 7 Leon Russell & Edgar Winter – Delta Lady (38:33) 8 Blood, Sweat and Tears – Spinning Wheel (42:16) 20 Years After: A Woodstock Reunion Concert DVD Volume 1 of 3: Peace featured the above live songs. Nearly 20 years after the original 1969 Woodstock Festival, the biggest names in rock were brought back to recapture the mood and sound of that historic event. The sights and sounds are led by psychedelic tour guide Dr. Timothy Leary. The “20 Years After” music festival tribute took place in August 1989 at Cal State Dominguez Hills, Carson, Los Angeles County, CA. "So 20 years after? "It was 20 years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play". So indoctrinating the new generation. The first song being "Time has come today". Time has come to teach a new generation? "I might be burned by the sun, but I'll have my fun". Things seem to tie together so neatly, when you stop to examine.
Post by B on May 14, 2022 22:10:49 GMT -5
They can still see him singing on the corner singing songs That never fade away, fade into the kids that come along the guys' legs make an "M"
Post by kvo on May 24, 2022 10:00:29 GMT -5
I spent years devouring every bit of info regarding PID, and came to the easy conclusion that Paul is not dead/was not dead by the time the 1970's rolled around, and was at best (worst?) employed an equally talented double to take his place as THE Paul McCartney. There's a blog I stumbled upon recently called They May Be Parted that, since January 2012, has been taking an in-depth look at the entirety of the Get Back sessions, from the early takes of Let It Be songs, to the bits of dialogue and sometimes entire conversations that were picked up by the mics between takes. Linus, ticket2ride, Nothingsireal985, I'd like you take a look at this post in particular: theymaybeparted.wordpress.com/2013/08/14/jan-7-on-their-own-at-the-holiday-camp/I've uploaded the audio of the conversation here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfbP7tQuTqs and I strongly suggest you three take a listen to it. What does it prove? Nothing, really. But as a former believer in PID, I find it very interesting that PID's answer to PIA has always "the devil is in the details". The small details, you know? Paul's ear lobe looks funny in this picture. Paul seems taller here, different eye color, etc. While PIA has always (rightfully, in my opinion) chalked these up to photographic anomalies, there have always been the staunchest of believers in PID who, like you, linus, don't think PIA even has any worthwhile arguments, so sure are you that Paul is not Paul. Its funny then, for me to listen to this candid conversation go on between George, Paul, and John about Brian Epstein when "Paul" is supposed to be a replacement who knows nothing of the days when Mr. Epstein managed their lives. Lets say, for the sake argument, that this dialogue is scripted. Would John have really joined Fake Paul in talking about what it means to be a Beatle and what the aspirations of the band truly are? More importantly, why would someone filling in for Paul even suggest that they'd all rather "go home"? Surely he wouldn't want to admit that his bread and butter might soon be taken away from him? Furthermore, why is that no one at any point in the long, drawn-out, uncomfortable sessions that audio engineers caught nearly every second of, why is it that no one ever slips up and calls Paul by his real name? They only call him Paul, and as tense as things get between George and he, George always takes the tone of someone who has known Paul for a very long time, not only a couple of years. So, that's something to think about, isn't it? But on the other hand there are perhaps dozens of Paul McCartney songs with strange cryptic lyrics that seem to suggest he is hiding something from the public, and THAT is what keeps my mind open to be the possibility that Sir Paul perhaps isn't who the world thinks he is. But I am not so sure there's as much evidence that Paul really died as there are "clues" that he was replaced (an act which is, in itself, probably not nearly so nefarious as people imagine). Here's a good post. And the YouTube link still works. The conversation between the post-1966 Beatles is interesting. But talk about the current Paul McCartney(s) hiding something from the public? The hiding motif was all over Beatlemania work, as well. "You stay home, she goes out"... "Hey, you've got to hide your love away"..."Now I need a place to hide away"..."And I have missed things and kept out of sight". Hiding, staying out of sight. During Beatlemania? Those guys were HERE, THERE, AND EVERYWHERE during Beatlemania. Who was hiding? Hmmmm.....If George takes the tone of someone who had known "Paul" for years, perhaps it is because he had. Jojo posted a response to this, positing that the Paul in the audio is actually JPM, though I have doubts whether any such animal ever existed.