Post by Doc on Jul 6, 2008 1:44:12 GMT -5
Well, or like, feminine girly feminine, but he looks to be reflecting on something important to him in the passive mode, which is I guess a "feminine mood." What's he thinking about? He's in the back of a limo downtown--is it London or NYC? His mind looks pleasantly contented, anticipating seeing a concert or having a nice dinner with friends. He is sitting with someone he is comfortable with in the back of the limo. Maybe they are talking about old time. THen they snapped these pictures---or are they captures from a film? Is it an interview? The hair-do is kind of contemporary-styled. Soft and free, kinda slick down a little. Who knows. I don't see him as inherently feminine or whatever; on the contrary, but he has this side that is whimsical, and he is comfortable enough in his own skin (whose-ever that might be.......!) and secure to indulge a fun side, not all stuck on putting on a macho act for whoever is around. You know. It's just kinda free-style. You know. What-evah. Not the Marlboro Man, acting manly just for appearances. Or do vegetarians deficient in B-12 subconsciously revert to fey shenanigans? Does a lack of meat make one limp-wristed? No. At least, I can attest that a slab of flesh at every meal won't turn you butch. But after age 64, the production of testosterone begins to ramp down. Also, too tight trousers after the age of 64 will choke the scrotum and lead to one to a higher pitched, nelly, speaking voice. Another possibility---1 out of 4 ex-wives can make a typical straight man wish he were gay. Last idea----"Alimony Payment Syndrome" results in the complete loss of bladder control, encourages sterility, causes testicular shrinkage and penile shaft thinning in laboratory rats. In fact, laboratory lab rats forced to provide excessive alimony payments to lazy, stationary, non-productive ex-rat wives often become lisping, mincing guinea pigs who cower at every whim. It was further shown, that when then ex-lab rat husbands had OTHER rats write the alimony checks for them, these changes would stop and even reverse themselves over time. The science is explicit. Have someone else write the check if you want to hang onto the balls you got. Stop the checks entirely and grow and new pair. OK, well, Beatrice needs the support but really. I guess the judges orders gotta be followed. Darn. OK I am saying that going thru a tough divorce is like gettin' your balls whacked clean off. Rob a man of his backbone. A man needs to keep his vertebra AND his family jewels, at least, he should be careful which one he lets go of first. Castratti NOT your Pearl before spine.
Post by Doc on Jul 6, 2008 21:02:42 GMT -5
The cause of the preceding post stems solely from the elephantine amount of wine inJESTed by it's Arthur during the recent American holiday. Tusk-tusk-tusk. This has been a PUB-lic service renouncement. Stay chuned.
Post by ramone on Jul 6, 2008 21:14:07 GMT -5
Where's Liza Minnelli when we need her.
Post by Doc on Jul 6, 2008 22:03:00 GMT -5
Where's Liza Minnelli when we need her. Sir John Gielgud as Hobson: "Usually one must go to a bowling alley to meet a woman of your stature." I think Sir John Gielgud would have done both of us a lot more good. (Myself and Liza, whom I have never met, though my roommate has. She was, according to him, gracious and a classy lady.) 10pens, anyone?
Post by iameye on Jul 6, 2008 22:08:32 GMT -5
Where's Liza Minnelli when we need her. is she the fat lady? (no offence to Liza! lovers ;D) I'm one, she was great in arrested develoment.
Post by Doc on Jul 6, 2008 22:45:50 GMT -5
Where's Liza Minnelli when we need her. is she the fat lady? (no offence to Liza! lovers ;D) I'm one, she was great in arrested develoment. Only moderately buxom. And still singing. And underrated as a actress----solid acting talent. She lives in the shadow--no longer of her mother's legend---but of her OWN. The thing she fought so hard to establish is now a constricting factor........ Ah. but she always had a great career. With bumps, bruises and Barishnikov.
Post by GN on Jul 31, 2008 10:35:21 GMT -5
Post by B on Aug 3, 2008 13:30:40 GMT -5
Fascinating observation, GN. And "all in the family" at that.
Btw, regarding reply #75, Those were Really Really Dead's words. I was just quoting him.
Post by GN on Aug 5, 2008 4:54:28 GMT -5
Fascinating observation, GN. And "all in the family" at that. Btw, regarding reply #75, Those were Really Really Dead's words. I was just quoting him.
Post by B on Nov 26, 2008 1:43:31 GMT -5
Okay, here is where GN messed up, imo. Both of these people strike me as feminine: However I don't think the woman on the left is the 'woman' on the right. This morph doesn't work, because the wrong Faul was chosen by GN to do the meld. This Faul would have been the correct one for GN to have shown as being Pauline: I think that Iamaphoney is asking if the Faul in this video (below) isn't the aunt, shown above: isnt it lily?www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPr84zh60_AIt well may be. Or if not Lily, Aunt Jesse (Pauline?) The use of the name Lily by Iamaphoney here raises some questions. Lil was Faul's mother, in my understanding. So then, implicitly, what we have is Paul, (at the top) having gone from male to female and then back, and Aunt Jesse, having gone from female to male (as Faul) and then back when Paul returned. (?) Hard as it may be to believe, that seems to match the facts as I understand them. "Well, I used to be a woman, you know; I took you for a ride. I let you fly my airplane; It looked good for your pride. 'Cause you're the kind of 'man', you know Who likes what he says. I wonder what's it's like To be so far over my head.
Well, I used to be asleep you know With blankets on my bed. I stayed there for a while 'Til they discovered I was dead. The coroner was friendly And I liked him quite a lot. If I hadn't 've been a woman I guess I'd never have been caught."
Post by GN on Nov 28, 2008 18:48:21 GMT -5
Okay, here is where GN messed up, imo. Both of these people strike me as feminine: However I don't think the woman on the left is the 'woman' on the right. This morph doesn't work, because the wrong Faul was chosen by GN to do the meld. This Faul would have been the correct one for GN to have shown as being Pauline: I think that Iamaphoney is asking if the Faul in this video (below) isn't the aunt, shown above: isnt it lily?www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPr84zh60_AIt well may be. Or if not Lily, Aunt Jesse (Pauline?) The use of the name Lily by Iamaphoney here raises some questions. Lil was Faul's mother, in my understanding. So then, implicitly, what we have is Paul, (at the top) having gone from male to female and then back, and Aunt Jesse, having gone from female to male (as Faul) and then back when Paul returned. (?) Hard as it may be to believe, that seems to match the facts as I understand them. "Well, I used to be a woman, you know; I took you for a ride. I let you fly my airplane; It looked good for your pride. 'Cause you're the kind of 'man', you know Who likes what he says. I wonder what's it's like To be so far over my head.
Well, I used to be asleep you know With blankets on my bed. I stayed there for a while 'Til they discovered I was dead. The coroner was friendly And I liked him quite a lot. If I hadn't 've been a woman I guess I'd never have been caught."
Post by B on Nov 29, 2008 1:45:39 GMT -5
"I never knew she had it in her" replies Ringo.... THEY didn't know she had it in her."OK, we're talking about a pregnancy here. "They" (the powers that be?) didn't know she (Aunt Jessie) was pregnant. "They" didn't know she was carrying young Faul. (Presumably) Who was cloned from....Ramses the first? Mother Mary? But Aunt Jessie was Ringo's aunt, correct? So who would that be? And this was a military operation, somehow? I mean, the military was involved in this, somehow.... I've always assumed that the image of Ginger Baker of Cream, pictured in Aunt Jesse's hair, was representing her imagining that she was playing like Ginger Baker, but, if it's "all in the family" with Ginger Baker and Ringo being good drummers, then they may be related. And then.... If Iamaphoney is saying "Isn't it Lily?", he's saying that Lily is Aunt Jesse's daughter, who then played the role of Paul McCartney! And if, as is said in "Lily the Pink", she is "the savior of the human race", then she is a clone of Christ, presumably. "We'll drink a drink a drink To Lily the Pink the Pink the Pink The saviour of the human race For she invented medicinal compound Most efficacious in every case"Now who does this sound like? " Mr. Frears (Free-ers)had sticky-out ears and it made him awful shy and so they gave him medicinal compound and now he's learning how to fly." See how they fly like Lucy in the sky See how they run Some of the other lyrics to that song are quite fascinating: www.lyricsmania.com/lyrics/scaffold_the_lyrics_34058/other_lyrics_64950/lily_the_pink_lyrics_641067.html" Jennifer Eccles had terrible freckles and the boys all called her names but she changed with medicinal compound and now he joins in all their games."Remember the discussion of whether Jenny Crowley was really Paul? I would think "Eccles" is possibly a play on the word "Ecclesiastes", the name of a book in the Bible. The suggestion, again, that there is a god play going on. Later in the song Lily's soul ascended into heaven. (Ono! More godlikeproductions from the Tavistock Institute! Where's Stevie when you need him?)Jennifer Crowley may have been a Faul though. Mr. "Free-ers" being one who frees humanity from bondage, so the suggestion that, perhaps Paul was Moses, and Faul was Aaron. In fact, it was Moses who had a speech impediment, and wanted Aaron to speak on his behalf to the people: " Johnny Hammer Had a terrible stammer He could hardly say a word And so they gave him medicinal compound Now he's seen (but never heard)!" So Johnny Hammer would be Paul, who is seen (as Faul), but the real Paul is never heard. (at the time of the song)Faul also fits well as "Maxwell's silver 'hammer' " Paul, of course, didn't have a terrible stammer until after a crashed flight, car crash, or whatever. "Nobody ever hears him, or the sound he appears to make." So how am I doin' GN? ;D Oh! So Lily Gray, who was the "victim of the beast", and died in 1958, would have been Aunt Jesse's daughter, and a clone of Christ, while Paul and Faul would be clones of Moses and Aaron respectively. And therefore, if Aunt Jessie was Faul's mother, then he would have been the second clone for her, Lily having been her first. And Jenny Crowley may have become a Faul! One of them. Perhaps, maybe. So then, Jenny Crowley may have been Aunt Jesse's daughter who became a Faul. But the answer to iamaphoney would be: No, it's not Lily, it's Jenny? (But Jenny Wren withdrew from the world and died....hmmm.) So Jenny Wren may have been Eleanor Rigby, but not Jenny Crowley! Anyway I get the "Scaffold" part, the scaffold being a device by which one can go higher up; a stairway towards heaven, as it were. Uh oh. What if Faul was a clone of Aaron Presley? Because there was a statement by Ringo that Lady Madonna was sung by Elvis, and Aaron, as Elvis's twin, would be the same as Elvis if he were identical.... OK, this is getting to sound a bit silly... Of course, if Elvis was "the King" he may have been a clone of Christ too! ;D
Post by iameye on Nov 29, 2008 3:25:44 GMT -5
Anyway I get the "Scaffold" part, the scaffold being a device by which one can go higher up; a stairway towards heaven, as it were. Enlil , (EN = Lord + LIL = Loft, "Lord of the Open" or "Lord of the Wind")[1] was the name of a chief deity listed and written about in ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Canaanite and other Mesopotamian clay and stone tablets. The name is perhaps pronounced and sometimes rendered in translations as Ellil in later Akkadian, Hittite, and Canaanite literature. www.halexandria.org/dward103.htmthe golden spiral Enlil was considered to be the god of breath, wind, loft, and breadth.
Post by B on Nov 29, 2008 9:46:31 GMT -5
Well this has been a very heady discussion, taking us to Witherington Heights, so I say we all take a little break, and sing this jolly Christmas Carol. After all, 'tis the season: Lo, How a Rose[/b] E'er Bloomingwww.hymnsite.com/lyrics/umh216.sht <----da musicLo, how a Rose e'er blooming from tender stem hath sprung! Of Jesse's lineage coming, as those of old have sung. It came, a floweret bright, amid the cold of winter, when half spent was the night. Isaiah 'twas foretold it, the Rose I have in mind; with Mary we behold it, the Virgin Mother kind. To show God's love aright, she bore to us a Savior, when half spent was the night.
Post by B on Nov 29, 2008 10:14:12 GMT -5
What's in a name? Jesse Mccartney - Beautiful Soulwww.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ44T47Hw6g"I know that you are something special To you I'd be always faithful I want to be what you always needed Then I hope you'll see the heart in me" Bah! Soul music. Anyway, I kinda get that "the great race" in Magical Mystery Tour was the race to clone a human among the countries in Europe, or rather, to clone a "god", which is why you have Paul running and Paul in a globe of water (a beaker) in the cartoon image. A globe full of "medicinal compound", as it were. With multiple Pauls in the wings. (Insert picture here) And I can see, now, why the orchestra members were wearing penises on their noses during the recording of A Day in the Lifewww.youtube.com/watch?v=gZez_k4vAzUbecause, you know, it had to do with life from an egg and sperm and stuff. From a dead man. So "Turn me on, deadman" would be like, "come back to life, deadman". The life was turned back on, so to speak. And Michael Nesmith was maybe one of the clones, because he's one of the figures in the crowd in the cartoon, following - symbolicly the masses of offspring of this race. But what of this bus? It had outerspace imagery on the side. And there's a rocket launch implicit in the music of the ascending crescendo in the music. And Aiwass looked like a grey alien, so the "magic bus", full of Paul, John, George, and Ringo clones, seems to be related to the grey alien breeding program. And the aliens and the music industry meet at Montauk. So when they (the Brits?) took the bus to win the race, what it means is that they got a little help from their friends, the aliens, with the cloning business. Just sayin'. See how they fly like Lucy in the sky. Don't suppose Eli Lily had a hand in this, do ya? Eli's comin'www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdpEyxS0988Why do the cards say "a broken heart"? Eli's comin' to getcha! I walk to Apollo by the bay. Well, Faul admitted he used to be bad. Back in the bad ol' days. But I guess that the cards say it's us, on Earth, with the broken hearts, and Eli's comin' to get us. Jesse as soon as possible.
Post by B on Nov 29, 2008 11:00:37 GMT -5
GN wrote:" here is some links about Cecile Pearl called "Pauline":" Simon & Garfunkel- Ceciliawww.youtube.com/watch?v=eHL0b8ktdboCelia, you're breaking my heartYou're shaking my confidence daily Oh, cecilia, I'm down on my kneesI'm begging you please to come homeCelia, youre breaking my heart Youre shaking my confidence daily Oh, cecilia, Im down on my knees Im begging you please to come home Come on home Making love in the afternoon with Cecilia Up in my bedroom (making love) I got up to wash my face When I come back to bed Someone's taken my place![/color] Celia, youre breaking my heart Youre shaking my confidence daily Oh, cecilia, Im down on my knees Im begging you please to come home Come on home Jubilation, she loves me again, I fall on the floor and I laughing, Jubilation, she loves me again, I fall on the floor and I laughing ===========================
Post by GN on Feb 3, 2009 8:22:29 GMT -5
Sorry GN, I had to - after seeing them like that! There is a remarkable likeness whatever goings-on went on.. Sorry GN, I had to - after seeing them like that! There is a remarkable likeness whatever goings-on went on.. The likeness is indisputable, that she is managing to 'play the role' to this day is extremely hard to fathom. I mean extreeeeeemely difficult. And didn't we just have someone post bathing suit photo comparisons between the early 60s and late 60s Maccas? Where did she get the physique, i.e. no breasts? GN, are you saying that she wearing a 'loaded bra' in those recent pics? [/size][/quote] "Boy, you been a naughty girl and you let your knickers down."
Post by skyward on Feb 3, 2009 9:08:40 GMT -5
And didn't we just have someone post bathing suit photo comparisons between the early 60s and late 60s Maccas? Where did she get the physique, i.e. no breasts? GN, are you saying that she wearing a 'loaded bra' in those recent pics? [/size][/quote] "Boy, you been a naughty girl and you let your knickers down." [/quote] So, you're suggesting that Pearl is the one we're seeing in that clip? That she underwent breast removal surgery? And then, the relatively hairy guy in the swimsuits (legs, beard) with a masculine physique is the new manly Pearl? Did they squeeze the curves out of her hips, too? Did she have to wear water resistant makeup to hide the breast removal scars? And nowadays, she is wearing a fake-bra to resemble breasts? People can readily see that they have similar facial features, as can happen with many people around the world, it's bound to happen just by random chance. They could be distantly related.
Post by iameye on Feb 3, 2009 9:29:13 GMT -5
And nowadays, she is wearing a fake-bra to resemble breasts? nowadays she ain't doing much: She died, aged 93, in a retirement home in the Loire Valley of France. 2008
Post by pauliedied on Feb 3, 2009 9:44:06 GMT -5
And nowadays, she is wearing a fake-bra to resemble breasts? nowadays she ain't doing much: She died, aged 93, in a retirement home in the Loire Valley of France. 2008 ha! so much for the the ridiculous Pauline-story.. moderators can close this thread now
Post by skyward on Feb 3, 2009 10:00:31 GMT -5
And nowadays, she is wearing a fake-bra to resemble breasts? nowadays she ain't doing much: She died, aged 93, in a retirement home in the Loire Valley of France. 2008 That should be definitive, but I suspect GN will manage to concoct an explanation. There is a picture of Pearl standing before Queen Elizabeth (who is 5'2"), Pearl is not much taller than 5'2"... Wonder how she managed to appear to be nearly 6'? She doesn't nearly resemeble Macca in that pic with the Queen, a profile image. Don Knotts and Pearl, some similarities that get picked up and taken for all they're worth, to extremes...
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Post by JS2 on Feb 3, 2009 10:13:59 GMT -5
If there was a Faul, it was one Faul. Even if it was two, both male. This should be too far fetched for even the Past Lives Club (they don't believe it, and that's saying something)!
Post by pauliedied on Feb 3, 2009 10:18:47 GMT -5
for me it seems clear that GN is mucking us.
Post by iameye on Feb 3, 2009 11:03:09 GMT -5
If there was a Faul, it was one Faul. Even if it was two, both male. This should be too far fetched for even the Past Lives Club (they don't believe it, and that's saying something)! any chance you could change that avatar to something less annoying, js2? Isn't the giant banner enough? pleeeazzzzzzzzeeeeee?
Post by mommybird on Feb 3, 2009 13:16:58 GMT -5
Skyward wrote: There is a picture of Pearl standing before Queen Elizabeth (who is 5'2"), Pearl is not much taller than 5'2"... Wonder how she managed to appear to be nearly 6'?
She doesn't nearly resemeble Macca in that pic with the Queen, a profile image.
Don Knotts and Pearl, some similarities that get picked up and taken for all they're worth, to extremes...
That is sad, but true. I remember the days when Paul had turned into Angela Lansbury. I do, however see a great resemblance between Faul & Pauline. As I've stated previously, I can believe that they may be closely related to each other.